Welding Jackets
Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) is an open-enrollment program that provides students with work-based education. P-TECH programs:
Provide students grades 9 through 12 the opportunity to complete a course of study that combines high school and post-secondary courses.
Within six years, enable students to earn a high school diploma, an associate degree, a two-year postsecondary certificate or industry certification, and work-based training.
Allow students to gain work experience through internships, apprenticeships, or other job training programs.
Partner with Texas Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) and regional businesses and industries, giving students access to post-secondary education and workforce training opportunities
The program must target students from underrepresented backgrounds. However, students of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply for admission. Following Texas Education Agency guidelines, enrollment decisions shall not be based on test scores, student discipline, teacher recommendations, essays, grade point average, or other criteria that create barriers to student enrollment. Students must be enrolled in the Sabinal Independent School District to apply. To be considered for enrollment, incoming 9th-grade students must complete the P-TECH application and submit it before the application deadline. Current 9th-grade students are also eligible to apply up until the last week of April. Students cannot make initial entry to the P-TECH at any other time unless they transfer from a similar program in another district. Grade level enrollment will not exceed 15 students per cohort. If over 15 students apply, SISD will utilize a weighted lottery to select students for admission. Students not accepted through the lottery will be placed on a waiting list.
The recruitment and enrollment process shall aim to identify sub-populations of students that are at-risk, including, but not limited to, students who are of limited English proficiency, students with disabilities, and students that have failed a state assessment. Recruitment efforts will also focus on student groups that are traditionally underrepresented in higher education: African American, Hispanic, and Native American students as well as first generation college students and those with low socioeconomic status. Although recruitment efforts will focus on students meeting the above criteria, all students are able to take advantage of the program and have equal access to apply.
In an effort to reach our target audience, events will be planned throughout the year to engage stakeholders and disseminate information about the P-TECH program. Promotional materials will be distributed to each campus in the district, and events will be scheduled at the elementary, junior high, and high school campuses to inform and engage stakeholders with age appropriate activities. Emphasis will be placed on communicating with middle school students through the college and career readiness curriculum, advisory cohort meetings, and open house presentations held on a monthly basis. P-TECH staff members will also give yearly updates to the School Board and will be present at local community events throughout the year to answer questions and discuss the program with stakeholders of all backgrounds.
To be considered for enrollment, current 9th-grade students must complete the P-TECH application and submit it before the application deadline. Current 10th-grade students are also eligible to apply up until the second week of May. Students cannot make initial entry to the P-TECH at any other time unless they transfer from an existing P-TECH Welding program in another district. Grade level enrollment will not exceed 15 students per cohort.
Application Window: 04/25/2022 - 05/13/2022
In the event over 15 incoming sophomore and/or junior students, respectively, apply for the program, a lottery will be utilized to determine who is admitted. The lottery is weighted and targets a population of students that closely mirrors that of the district. Students who are not selected during the lottery are placed on a waiting list. Vacancies that occur after the lottery will be filled from the waiting list.
Warren Beard, Sabinal High School Agriculture Science Teacher, CTE Coordinator
Credentials: BS General Agriculture w/ Certification to Teach
Certifications: Vocational Agriculture 6-12; Speech, American Welding Society D1.1 CWI, NCCER Core & Welding Instructor, OSHA 30-Hour Certification Trainer, Agriculture Mechanics Certified Instructor, SWTJC Adjunct Faculty (Summer 2022)
4.4 Testing Calendar and Schedule
Sabinal High School is now an approved TSI testing site. For registration and information contact Mrs. Dawn Henry, Student Services Coordinator.
(Per SWTJC: TSI is not required for Level One Basic & Advanced Certificate)
Sabinal High School will host the SAT on: May 7 and June 4
For registration and information contact Mrs. Dawn Henry, Student Services Coordinator.
Hondo High School is hosting the ACT:
Summer ACT Test Dates: June 11 and July 16
Registration Deadline for June 11 ACT Test: May 6
Registration Deadline for July 16 ACT Test: June 17
P-TECH Blueprint 2020
Status - Scroll down for downloadable documents
Benchmark 1: School Design
1.1 Mentor/Induction Program
1.2 PD Calendar for Teachers
1.3 PTECH Leadership Meetings and Agenda Notes
Benchmark 2: Target Population
2.1 Admission Policy/Enrollment Application
2.2 Recruitment Plan
2.3 Brochures
2.4 Written Communication
Benchmark 3: Strategic Alliances
3.1 Meeting Agendas
3.2 MOU with business/industry partner
3.3 MOU with IHE
3.4 List of Strategic Partners
Benchmark 4: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
4.1 Four-year Crosswalk Document
4.2 Master Schedule
4.3 Curriculum Alignment Documents
4.4 Testing Calendar and Schedule for TSI, ACT and SAT
4.5 Pathways
Benchmark 5: Work-Based Learning
5.1 Work-based Learning Experiences
5.2 Region High Demand Occupational List
5.3 Data: Student Participation in Work-Based Learning Experiences
5.4 Samples of Student Artifacts
Benchmark 6: Student Support
6.1 Bridge Program Calendar
6.2 Intervention Program Schedule
6.3 Counseling/Advisory Events
Access Outcomes-Based Measures
Attainment Outcomes-Based Measures
Achievement Outcomes-Based Measures
1.3 P-TECH Meeting 10_06_2021
1.3 P-TECH Meeting 11_10_2021
1.3 P-TECH Meeting 1_12_2022
1.3 P-TECH Meeting 3_07_2022
1.3 P-TECH Meeting 4_11_2022
1.3 P-TECH Meeting 4_18_2022
1.3 P-TECH Meeting 4_22_2022
2.3 4/26/2022 Welding Jackets Program Flyer
2.4 4/26/2022 CTE Presentation Flyer
2.4 5/19/2022 Welding Jackets handbook 22-23
3.2 4/28/2022 Designation Application Assurances
3.4 3/26/2022 CTE Advisory Committee
3.4 3/26/2022 Strategic Leadership Partners
4.1 1/31/2022 P-TECH Grant Crosswalk - A.A.S. Welding
4.1 1/31/2022 P-TECH Grant Crosswalk - Cert 2
4.1 4/21/2022 P-TECH Grant Crosswalk - Cert 1
4.5 1/31/2022 Pathway to Welder
4.5 4/21/2022 SHS AFNR Courses 2022-2023
5.2 5/19/2022 - Statewide Targeted Occupations - TWC
5.2 Report-On-Texas-Growth-Occupations-2016-TWC
5.2 Texas Labor Market Summary Report_ WDA-2
6.4 4/27/2022 SHS Counseling Advisory Events
P-TECH Resources