Public Notice for the
2020-2024 Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Federal Grant Funding Updates for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year
for Independent School Districts
Sabinal ISD gives public notice of the district’s intention to provide updates to the use of funds for the 2020-2024 ESSER II & III Federal Grant funding with the Texas Education Agency.
If there is any member of the public who wants to provide a comment regarding Sabinal ISD’s use of funds for the 2020-2024 ESSER II & III Federal Grant funding updates is invited to submit any comments to:
Patricia “Pat” Gonzales, Business Manager
on or before Monday, June 26, 2023, @ 4:30 pm
via email at pgonzales@sabinalisd.net
ESSER information will also be discussed and open for public comment at the upcoming public meeting:
Tuesday, June 27, 2023, @ 6:30 pm
High School Library
409 W Cullins Ave
Sabinal, Texas 78881