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Human Resources

Welcome to Sabinal ISD!

Thank you for your interest in the Sabinal Independent School District. Our District is dedicated to employing personnel who are committed to educating the children who attend Sabinal ISD. Please download the appropriate employment application for the available positions within our district.
Persons interested in applying for any position in our District should submit a completed application package, which must include: a Sabinal ISD employment application, letter of interest, resume, criminal history verification forms (2), and the pre-employment affidavit for the applicant form. Regardless of position, the applicant must be at least 21 years of age by the date of employment. The district reserves the right to accept or reject any employment application. Please note that not all applicants will be contacted and/or interviewed for the position which they have submitted. The submitted application package will become the property of Sabinal ISD and will remain active only until the position is filled. If at any time you desire to apply for another position with our district, please contact our Human Resource office to reactivate your application. You should submit your employment information to the Sabinal ISD Personnel Department, P.O. Box 338, Sabinal, TX, 78881 or contact Maggie Lopez at 830-988-2472 or
All instructional aide positions require one of the following to be considered a viable candidate: 1. Associates Degree; or 2. 48- college hours; or 3. Pass a rigorous assessment in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics; or Reading Readiness, Writing Readiness, and Mathematics Readiness.
All substitutes must attend and complete a new substitute orientation prior to employment. Additionally, all substitutes must attend an annual substitute refresher orientation held each August.

Nondiscrimination Notice: It is the policy of Sabinal Independent School District (SISD) not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, or age in its employment practices as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

Current Positions Available

To be considered, all applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume, and professional job application to the appropriate administrator.

Central Office

For questions about these positions, please contact Superintendent Edgar Camacho.


  • No vacancies

School Operations

For questions about these positions, please contact Business Manager Deanna Musquiz.


  • No vacancies

For questions about these positions, please contact HS Principal Steve Alvarado.

  • Junior High Science / Coach

Secondary Campus

For questions about these positions, please contact the Athletic Director Jeff Kowalski.

  • No vacancies

Elementary Campus

For questions about these positions, please contact the Elementary Principal Adriana Beza.

  • No vacancies

Cluster V - Special Education Cooperative

Please contact the Director of Special Education for Cluster V, Cynthia Gann, for questions about this position.

  • Potential Vacancies

    • Licensed Specialist in School Psychology

    • Licensed Specialist in School Psychology-Intern

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